On this episode, Andrew discusses setting rules for NFL Showdown slates.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/l2m7c2_jZ7M
01:32 How pending news affects the Sims
04:29 What is the best way to choose core players for each slate?
05:32 Asking questions in Discord
10:25 Setting Rules for NFL Single Game Showdown
17:50 What % to set the ownership cap at for each different-sized slate?
21:19 Building unique NFL Showdown lineups
28:10 NBA research build demo
34:13 Turbo slates
36:07 Would you recommend game scripting for showdowns?
39:16 entering different builds into separate contests
41:36 If I want to split my 150 on different scripts. How do i play lineups from each script?
44:26 Single entry strategy
49:13 How SaberSim adds value to your building process
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