On this episode, Andrew discusses how SaberSim generates lineups.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/we29CPD1Wd0
00:00 Intro
02:10 Contest Sims- Fanduel Contests
03:30 NBA Late Swap
07:43 Contest Sims and Live Ownership
11:00 RAROI vs ROI
12:10 Late Swap Strategy
13:08 What is the best way to choose a cash lineup?
14:21 During a live contest sim, does the ROI that is displayed for a late swap lineup take into account how that lineup has been performing so far?
15:55 Using the Sims with Multiple Projection Sources
18:54 Late Swapping on 11/01
19:41 Building Less than the Max
21:22 How are my GPP lineups differentiated from other players using the sim when you do not make any updates or changes?
25:48 Late Swap and Contest Sims
28:30 A Strong Risk-Adjusted ROI to Target in Post-Contest Sims
29:30 Sorting by ROI
33:07 Should I alter projections before building lineups to get more of player x?
34:30 Are low dupes and high-risk ROI inversely correlated on SaberSim?
35:06 Entry Limit
36:22 When creating lineups, not making any adjustments at all, will SaberSim create a unique lineup or will it generate the same lineup for someone else?
37:13 Should I use Rank, Unique Rank, Unique Random, or Exact?
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